I've come to the conclusion that Craig is indeed having a slow mental breakdown as predicted by The Bevan.
Carlos is in fact a mental construct that Craig's mind has devised as part of a split personality disorder, existing solely to keep Craig from having the aforementioned breakdown, by encouraging him to seek out s*ccess by spreading v*alue through quality c*ontent.
The podcast is the vehicle for the breakdown; Craig is trying his best to drive the vehicle off the cliff into the ocean, while Carlos is the one trying to steer him away from the cliff so that they (he) can safely drive off into the sunset.
I'm not sure what's more entertaining, the podcast itself, or witnessing the battle between Carlos and Craig unfold.
C*ntent Originator
The OG
I've come to the conclusion that Craig is indeed having a slow mental breakdown as predicted by The Bevan.
Carlos is in fact a mental construct that Craig's mind has devised as part of a split personality disorder, existing solely to keep Craig from having the aforementioned breakdown, by encouraging him to seek out s*ccess by spreading v*alue through quality c*ontent.
The podcast is the vehicle for the breakdown; Craig is trying his best to drive the vehicle off the cliff into the ocean, while Carlos is the one trying to steer him away from the cliff so that they (he) can safely drive off into the sunset.
I'm not sure what's more entertaining, the podcast itself, or witnessing the battle between Carlos and Craig unfold.
That's a hot take.
I or Carlos cannot confirm or deny it.
It’s like a really tedious podcast based version of the plot of Fight Club.
Carlos is Tyler Durden.
And this is Jacks rambling into a microphone.
I'll take it.
FUCKING CONTENT - the new feature