You now have your official strap line for marketing purposes: ‘it’s very alright’

But there’s a lesson here, if I can be serious for a moment. If you pick a topic for a podcast that is way too narrow to be viable and just keep going you end up being funny. It’s probably great training for a would-be stand-up because you have to think on your feet while slowly descending into absurdity/ a pseudo-mental breakdown.

I never listen to podcast but I listen to this one. What does that say about me?

Anyway make it to 15 episodes and I’ll come back on and we can rigidly stick to talking about Wednesdays for another hour.


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'Constraints forces creativity' or something like that.

It forces something, that's certainly true.

In many ways it's the same way stand-ups do short 5 minute sets in comedy clubs when they first start out. Nobody knows who they are, nobody cares, and the repeition of that terrible process either makes or breaks you.

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Great episode, very Wednesday such wow. I think I am not the John mentioned in the podcast but I also love this very-alright-ish-wednesday-ish vibes. And I pretty much agree with what Tom wrote in the comment (above or below, whatever the sorting is here). I'm curious to hear what you say about Wednesdays next time.

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