Craig, I know that the internet is made up of 97% Americans (the other 3% is bots) but I wanted to ask- when you were off-mic trying to coax the point to come over as if it were some kind of cat I noticed that you said ‘come by’ several times.

Was this a reference to the long cancelled UK prime time sheep herding TV show ‘One Man and his Dog’?

And if so, is making such obscure references that none of your audience will understand part of your strategy to alienate the last few straggler who are here after 37 weeks? I do hope so.

Yours sincerely

Thomas J Bevan, aspiring cult leader.

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There's often several obscure referenecs that nobody could ever work out.

This may be one of them.

Come by.

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> Craig, I know that the internet is made up of 97% Americans (the other 3% is bots)

you forgot Russian hackers, shame

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They aren't included in the percentage because they hack to remove themselves.

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If there was a drinking game of taking a shot of vodka every time you see someone mentioning "Atobic Hamits" I'd be effectively dead already.

Anyways, wonderful vibes as always, that moment of transition from irony and genuinely important thoughts is precious, powered by contrast, supported by oscillation. Oh no, for Craig's sake, I said some esoteric bullshit again. What a fiasco, let me retire myself out from commenting this week.

Bye bye

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Wonderful vibes


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