I have nothing to destroy but I shall say it's been my inadvertent approach so far in my short journey. I believe it's more satisfying, creating things for yourself. At least, it's only how I was able to stick with it. So, thanks for the episode, it was a great one. (and it pairs surprisingly well with the recent TJB's essay, I would sell them in a bundle :D ).

I adore the irony of "the best podcast about Wednesdays" together with "destoying the audience" together with that melancholic music at the beginning and at the end (and the bell). I think maybe you should've kept the music a bit louder and its full volume a bit longer? I felt like it got interrupted very quickly. Obviously, here, this music is a form rather than a content (in its 'normal' sense), but it really creates a mood, shakes the perception and stands out. Please keep the music and the bell.



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Please keep the music and the bell. Got it.

TJB got there first and for that I hate him.

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I enjoyed this. I also enjoyed reading the transcript while listening along and seeing the software struggle to deal with your Yorkshire brogue.

I agree with what your saying entirely. Raise the ships!

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