Damn, I am honored to have my ramblings inspire your title! And I am going to have to ask the STSC if anyone else pressed the Boing button when you called us all dirty listeners? Lastly, I want to just replace p*****se (the newly banned word) with "porpoise!" I mean in everyday life, even if it's only me laughing.

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I listened last night before dropping off to sleep. I thought the intricate complexity of the intro was unusually poignant and artfully crafted. A bit of whimsy. Your dulcet deep baritone lured me to the region of reverie where i had a fantastical conversation with my dear friend Morpheus while far off in the distance I could just barely make out the faint sound of , I don’t know, circus music? The memory of that most pleasant time fades too quickly as I awaken, I can only recall that the entire experience was Delightfully Indescribable.

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No you should not start saying irregardless. Feels like you are letting the Americans win with that concession.

Also 4 paid subscribers? Fuckinell.

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