I scraped the ice off my car and drove to a beach house in Florida with swaying palms and blue skies. America--a place where you can experience culture shock in your own country. I had to close myself into room, pull the blinds, and listen to your podcast to feel some semblance of continuity. I'll put on my sunglasses and suffer through until I can go North again.
The king of hearts did originally have a moustache, but it was lost in the reproduction of the original design. A similar mistake caused his axe to become a sword, which is why it looks like he is stabbing himself in the head.
I scraped the ice off my car and drove to a beach house in Florida with swaying palms and blue skies. America--a place where you can experience culture shock in your own country. I had to close myself into room, pull the blinds, and listen to your podcast to feel some semblance of continuity. I'll put on my sunglasses and suffer through until I can go North again.
The way each podcast should be experienced IMO
I have a new segment idea: The useless fact of the week. Something so random pointless to add to your brain that it provides absolutely zero v*lue
For example: Did you know that the King of Hearts is the only king in a deck of cards without a moustache?
Zero v*lue-add knowledge drops
Excellent idea.
The king of hearts did originally have a moustache, but it was lost in the reproduction of the original design. A similar mistake caused his axe to become a sword, which is why it looks like he is stabbing himself in the head.
Do with this new knowledge what you will.
“Ian’s Interesting Insight”. I can feel the feature brewing
it was snowing last wednesday
Was that quote about different lenses a quote about "Pink-Colored Glasses"?
It was a quote from Atomic Habits—honestly
im going to stay here listening for the week
Listening for snow?
i assume this site has a snow animation but i just cant see it because its white on white
It's the biggest joke that the internet played on the human population