The Wednesday Audio
The Wednesday Audio
The intro is coming

The intro is coming

The Wednesday Audio #68

On advice of a very esteemed marketing peer, I’ve decided to ‘mix things up’ to ‘increase maximal percentile of engagement’. They told me I need to ‘explore new formats’ to ‘reach new audiences’ and ‘niche down to niche out’. They then said ‘short video is hot shit right now’ and I should ‘explore the modern listener and viewer habits’, and they said I’d ‘probably be surprised that nobody listens to podcasts’ unless they’re ‘optimised for engagement with clear cut phonetic cues’.

So. I mixed it up.

The Wednesday Audio
The Wednesday Audio
A satirical and often maniacal look at internet hustle culture through the dark eyes of Wednesday evenings. If you’re looking for self-improvement, this isn’t it.