The Wednesday Audio
The Wednesday Audio


The Wednesday Audio #40

I’m as surprised as you that this podcast made it to episode 40. I’ve been doing it nearly a year now. It started off with good intentions. Noble intentions. Proper intentions.

Then something happened. I got sick of reading threads on Twitter.

I started ranting a bit. Started throwing more music in. Started throwing random sound effects in. Started making up “bits” and “sections” and “features”.

Before I knew it I’d become satire. People told me they liked the madness car crash of the podcast. Some friends texted me asking me if I was having a mental breakdown. Some friends texted me asking me if I had become a drug addict of the drugs.

I shrugged it off and decided to continue. Stoically, I fight the good fight. I turn up each week and fight for Wednesdays to be recognised globally.

The fight continues. This is just the beginning.

p.s. I refer to the year as 2021 at least once in this episode. That wasn’t intentional. That was actually a mistake. But it’s satire int it so maybe you’ll fashion a narrative as to why I really did that.

The Wednesday Audio
The Wednesday Audio
A satirical and often maniacal look at internet hustle culture through the dark eyes of Wednesday evenings. If you’re looking for self-improvement, this isn’t it.