The Wednesday Audio
The Wednesday Audio
Expired Podcasters

Expired Podcasters

The Wednesday Audio #76

This is a story about a podcaster, and his podcast.

It’s not an interesting story, admittedly. It’s an average story. It’s the type of story that you’d probably glance at, read the title, consider making yourself a cup of tea, and forget about. It’s a page 9 story. Not worthy enough to be close to the front of the magazine, but important enough not to be lost in the centre between the staples.

This is a story about a podcaster, and his podcast.

It’s the story of how that podcaster dies. But let’s not get excited too soon. Let’s begin—as they like to say—at the beginning. I don’t know why they say that, but they do. He’s here now, this podcaster. He’s beginning his podcast. Let’s listen in.

The Wednesday Audio
The Wednesday Audio
A satirical and often maniacal look at internet hustle culture through the dark eyes of Wednesday evenings. If you’re looking for self-improvement, this isn’t it.